Domains for SMB Companies

Why Your Small Business Needs Its Own Domain Name

As a small business owner, establishing an online presence is crucial for reaching customers and growing your brand. However, deciding on whether you want to manage your own website, or get a domain name to match your brand can seem overwhelming.

In this post, we will explore why investing in your own custom domain name, the pros and cons of choosing this path, and the importance for legitimizing your business online and setting yourself up for long term success.

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Why Is Data Hygiene Important for B2B Companies

Any organization must practice data hygiene, but it is particularly crucial in the B2B sector as firms frequently deal with substantial volumes of consumer data that must be kept secure and current.

To effectively manage and track their interactions with current and potential customers, companies must have clean and reliable data, especially if they have access to a CRM system such as Salesforce or Hubspot. This article outlines the benefits of data hygiene and offers suggestions for how to do it successfully.

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Find Available Domain Names

4 Free Online Tools to Find Available Domain Names

You came up with a great business idea, thought of a few catchy business names, went to buy the domain, and boom… it’s taken. Sounds familiar?

Finding the perfect domain name for your startup can be a tedious task. Most of the good brand names have been already registered and there are hundreds of top-level domains to choose from. So where do you begin when you are trying to bring your new business idea to life?

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Brands Shorter Names

4 Lessons From Brands Shortening Their Names

We covered the importance and benefits of using short names when launching a new brand – a practice that is followed by some of the world’s most successful companies. But why do some well-established brands decide to change their names?

The trend of shortening a name is a common strategy for large brands that have been around for a while and have since changed what they offer one way or another.

This post will focus on the benefits and consequences of changing your brand’s name based on the lessons learned from successful world-class companies.

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